5 Proper Steps to Prepare a Traditional Funeral Service
One of the things you may have to deal with at some point in life is the death of a loved one. This can be a tough and trying time.
It’s important to show your respects for this individual by having an appropriate service. If you opt for a traditional funeral service, there are many things must be done. Being aware of five proper funeral planning steps may allow this process to be an easier for you.
1. Choosing the casket
One of the most significant tasks you may have is selecting a casket. Of course, this is likely to be one of the most expensive things you’ll need for a traditional funeral service.
It’s important to stick to your budget, and it’s ideal to have one in place. Be sure to discuss all of your options with the funeral home to assist you in making the right choice.
2. Finding a speaker
It’s a great idea to have a speaker at any funeral service. This will allow this person to provide a few words about the deceased and this can show your respect for this individual.
Of course, you’ll want to consider the person you get for this job. It’s not uncommon to select an individual that specializes in religion to do this task.
However, another thing you can do is to have a family member or friend to speak at the funeral service.
3. Selecting flowers
Making the funeral service look its best is likely to be one thing you’ll want to do. It’s ideal to select the right the type that your loved one enjoyed the most in life.
Taking the time to have these made for the casket is one thing you’ll want to do. Keep in mind that the casket spray can typically cost hundreds of dollars. This is something you’ll want to be sure to include in your budget.
4. Adding music
It’s a great idea to have a variety of music at the funeral service. Doing this may allow the entire ceremony to feel more scared.
One of the things you’ll want to do is select songs that the deceased may have listened to during life. If you don’t know what any of these songs may be, it’s a good idea to choose the same genre of music.
Another great idea is if you or other family members have musical talent, you may want to tackle this job. Doing so will add a personal touch to the funeral, and this is ideal for most people to do.
5. Inviting others
The size and type of funeral service you wish to have is entirely up to you. Do you wish to make this a private or public event?
This is something you’ll want to decide on early because you may want to put the date and time of the funeral service in the obituary if you wish to make it public.
Taking the time to plan the best funeral service possible for your loved one is sure to be high on your to-list. This will enable you to show the level of love and respect you have for this individual. There’s little doubt that you will be proud of the service you’ve worked hard to plan. It’s always in your best to consult with a funeral home provider to assist you during this process. You’re sure to get great advice and guidance on how to have the best funeral service possible!