6 Commonly Forgotten Items When Travelling
Travelling is an amazing way to get out of your comfort zone and learn more about the vast world around you. However, your mood can take a turn for the worst if you find out that you left a critical item at home and have to do without for the duration of your trip. To ensure your trip is as pleasant as possible, find below a list of commonly forgotten items when travelling to ensure you’re well prepared for your trip.
1. Clothing
Surely, no one will forget to pack clothes entirely, although, it is easy to forget crucial pieces of clothing leading to an uncomfortable trip. It’s best to bring clothes that layer well to ensure it’s easy for you to adjust to the temperature changes. In addition, do some research on the climate and seasons of your destination when packing to better prepare yourself. If you are touring Thailand, then make sure you pack clothes for sunny and warm weather.
2. Entertainment
Travelling can be boring, particularly when you are merely sitting there passing time. Having something to entertain yourself while you go from one destination to another goes a long way, literally! Things you can bring to entertain yourself are books, magazines, cards, travel journal and pen, crossword or sudoku puzzles and digital games.
3. Personal, Unique Items
Items that are difficult to replace and are uncommon, but are very important to your health and well being, should definitely not be forgotten. This includes items such as prescriptions, medication, sunscreen, brush or comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, glasses and sunglasses.
Every individual is different, something that is essential to one person may not be essential to another. Before your departure, make sure to consider items you use on a daily basis that you won’t be able to get abroad and pack them.
4. Comfort
The little things that make us feel comfortable are often forgotten when we travel. In the comfort of our homes, these little things can be taken for granted, but when you’re miles away from home, they’re surely missed. Not to mention, certain items can be hard to find when abroad, especially if there are language barriers.
Things to bring for comfort include lip balm, ear plugs, eye mask, blanket, pillow, lotion and a water bottle.
5. Technology
Technology is useful for travelling, not only for taking pictures and communicating with friends and family while you’re away, but also in the event of an emergency. Helpful technology you can bring with you while abroad are headphones, bluetooth speakers, cell phones, laptops, tablets, cameras, portable power, chargers and electrical converters or adapters.
It’s unlikely in this day and age that you’ll forget your technology all together, however, there are some additional tips to prepare your technology for travel. For your camera, bring back up memory cards in case you use up all of the space you have while away.
If you are using your mobile device, be sure to turn on your cloud services, if you have them, to ensure that your pictures and other data are backed up in the cloud in case your phone gets lost or stolen. Before leaving, consider downloading apps that help with foreign languages, directions and money conversion. If you expect to be staying in touch with people back home, grab an international SIM card before you leave.
6. Others
Padlocks have proven to be helpful to travellers in the event that their rooms lack security or luggage needs to be put into a storage locker among other security related emergencies. Spare ziplock bags or plastic bags are also useful for wet swimsuits, snacks and toiletries, be sure to bring a couple extras. Lastly, snacks go a long way while abroad, you never know when you’ll be hungry with little to no options for food.