7 Relaxing Activity Ideas for Seniors to Enjoy
As age creeps up on all of us, we might have to put aside some of the fun activities we used to do regularly. But that doesn’t mean that our enjoyment in life needs to go as well!
There are plenty of things that older people can participate in that will be just as entertaining – if not more so – than the pursuits and hobbies they used to love doing. Read on to discover seven relaxing activity ideas for seniors to participate in right now.
1. Gardening
Have you always loved the smell of fresh flowers or wanted to experiment with growing your own vegetables…but just never had the time? At this stage in your life, you’re probably taking it easy by not doing much strenuous exercise anymore.
Enter gardening. This healthy, rewarding hobby can obviously be taken up by anyone, regardless of age, but you might find that it is especially perfect at this stage of your life. Whether you have a large backyard or a small planter box in your kitchen window, gardening is waiting for you.
Gardening is one of the best activity ideas for seniors due to its versatility. You can start a flower garden, a vegetable garden, or even mix the two. It is completely up to you.
2. Reading
So many people would love to read more but find it hard to take the time to do so. If you have some extra time on your hands, reading is a great way to pass that time quickly and enjoyably. There are countless options when it comes to genres, series, and more.
You might want to read several different types of books until you discover a genre or two that really grabs your attention. And if you are having a hard time finding books, try a book subscription box that sends a new book or two to your house every few months. Or check out the local library.
3. Scrapbooking
While scrapbooking has often been seen as a more female-oriented activity, anyone can take it up and create something beautiful. We often forget to print out the photos that we capture, preferring to leave them on Instagram or Facebook (it’s simpler, in many ways). But there is something about holding your photos in your own hands, placing them on a page, and adding some stickers or explanatory text that a screen can’t beat.
Even if you don’t think you have enough creativity for scrapbooking, just try it! You can purchase scrapbooks with already decorated pages that just need your photos to be complete – you really can’t go wrong.
4. Painting and other art forms
Painting is an extremely enjoyable hobby that can improve hand-eye coordination, concentration skills, and the creative side of your brain. Working with so many gorgeous colors, smelling the paint, gripping the brush in your hand…these elements all works together to create a tactile experience that is both relaxing and invigorating.
However, if painting isn’t really your thing, there are plenty of other art forms that you can try. Clay sculpting, sketching, even writing or playing a musical instrument! ‘Art’ has many definitions and it’s up to you to find one that’s just what you need. Many retirement homes have art classes to cultivate the senior’s artistic capabilities.
5. Brush up on board games and puzzles
Perhaps your mobility has recently been limited and you’re not sure what to do with your time. Board games are a great way to keep your mind sharp while also being entertained. If you can find someone to play them with you (usually not a problem, right?) you can have hours of board game fun. The same goes for card games. (Some card games can be played alone as well.)
And if you crave solitude at times, a good puzzle might become your new best friend. Whether you enjoy solving many one- or two-hundred piece puzzles or prefer to work for days and weeks on a five thousand piece leviathan, you should be able to find something that fits your interests.
6. Walking
Okay, yes, walking might not sound like the one of the more exciting activity ideas for seniors. But it can be more interesting than you think. Walking has many, many health benefits (boring, but good to know) and it can also be very enjoyable if you have some goals.
Keep your eyes open for birds, squirrels, rabbits, cats, and dogs. Observe the people you pass. Admire a beautiful sunset or an especially pretty flower bed. Or maybe take a friend along and enjoy a good chat with him or her as you walk.
7. Attend informational lectures and how-to workshops
It’s never too late to learn something new and going to classes, educational talks, and other knowledge-rich gatherings is the perfect way to fill your mind with important information. Not only will you be enriched, mentally, but you’ll become a better conversationalist and maybe even meet some new friends at these events.